この質問は割りと何度か、知的なウズベク人からされる質問なのだけれど、なかなか一言これ、っていう答えが見つからない。そんなに難しいことばかり考えて生きてるわけじゃないし。ましてや英語だとさらに難しいかんじ。When I was young like 20 something I decided to come to undeveloped countries by JICA program. Because back to the time when I was young and doing nothing, people were really good to me and also grow me a lot. Well developed country like US or Europe are not interesting for me. I wanted to be somewhere where nobody knows. Also the earthquake were the turning point to quit work for just myself. 長すぎる。冗談でも一言で表現したほうがいいのかしらん。